Removing symantec endpoint protection cmd
Removing symantec endpoint protection cmd

Start the program Run and run the command smc -stop to disable the service. How do I disable Symantec endpoint protection without password? You can now uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection without being prompted to enter a password….Reset the Password to Uninstall Symantec Endpoint Protection Click Yes to confirm the registry key deletion. Look for “SmcInstData” at the right pane, right click on it and select Delete. What is the uninstall password for Symantec Endpoint Protection?

  • In the folder where you extracted the file, navigate to the following folder: \Tools\CleanWipe\.
  • removing symantec endpoint protection cmd

  • Double-click the installation file to extract its contents.
  • Download the full installation file for Symantec Endpoint Protection.
  • removing symantec endpoint protection cmd

    See Download the latest version of Symantec software.

    Removing symantec endpoint protection cmd